Kontruksi Kemampuan Psikomotorik Peserta Didik Pada Pembelajaran Fiqih di MAN 1 Lamongan


  • Hepi Ikmal Universitas Islam Lamongan




This study reveals a problem about how teachers build students’ psychomotor abilities in fiqih learning at MAN 1 Lamongan. The formulation of this problem is 1) How is the application of curriculum in jurisprudence learning in MAN 1 Lamongan?, 2) What is the method of learning jurisprudence in MAN 1 Lamongan?, 3) How is the development of psychomtoric abilities of students in learning jurisprudence in MAN 1 Lamongan ?. This research uses qualitative research methods and descriptive approaches. The subject of fiqh teacher research, as well as MAN 1 Lamongan students. With interview, observation and documentation data collection techniques. And technical analysis of data using data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. From the findings of this research the first curriculum in MAN 1 Lamongan already uses the 2013 curriculum, and uses three stages, namely 1) The planning stage, 2) The implementation phase, 3) The evaluation phase. Both fiqh learning methods have used the Lecture Method, Question and Answer Method, Practice Method, Roll Playying Method, Assignment Method. Third Development of Psychomotor Ability in Subjects of Fiqh in MAN 1 Lamongan, Determining the purpose of the form of action, Analyzing the skills in detail, Practicing brief explanation skills, Giving students the opportunity to try, Doing pr actice with supervision and guidance, Providing an assessment of students' efforts.


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How to Cite

Ikmal, H. (2022). Kontruksi Kemampuan Psikomotorik Peserta Didik Pada Pembelajaran Fiqih di MAN 1 Lamongan. Kuttab : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.30736/ktb.v2i2.282