
  • Nur Syifaul Hidayah UNISLA
  • Victor Imaduddin Ahmad
  • Ahmad Hanif Fahruddin



(1) This study aims to examine the teaching ethics of PAI teachers at SMK Islam Tikung Lamongan that how students can be motivated in teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Good teacher ethics will have an impact on the success of student learning. Students who have learning motivation will appear serious in participating in learning activities in class. (2) The formulation of the problem in this case is how the ethics of teaching PAI teachers at SMK Islam Tikung Lamongan, how is the learning motivation of students at SMK Islam Tikung Lamongan, how is the influence of teaching ethics for PAI teachers on student motivation at SMK Islam Tikung Lamongan. (3) This research uses quantitative methods and the type of research is associative research. (4) the results of hypothesis testing indicate that there is an influence of PAI teacher teaching ethics on student motivation of Islamic Vocational School Tikung Lamongan: a) It can be obtained a value of 0.000 <0.05, meaning that there is an influence of PAI teacher teaching ethics on student motivation of Tikung Lamongan Islamic Vocational School. b) Based on the magnitude of the correlation/relationship value, namely 0.745, the correlation level is in the strong category.


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How to Cite

Hidayah, N. S., Imaduddin Ahmad, V., & Hanif Fahruddin, A. (2021). PENGARUH ETIKA MENGAJAR GURU PAI TERHADAP MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA SMK ISLAM TIKUNG LAMONGAN. Sawabiq: Jurnal Keislaman, 1(1).