
  • Emy Musyayadah unisla
  • Siti Suwaibatul Aslamiyah
  • Salman Zahidi



Islamic education in the family is an important side in shaping behavior someone. In general, Islamic education in the family is carried out by instilling Islamic religious values, namely ethics which include morality, morals, and behavior to do in everyday life. This research is supported by the phenomenon of moral crisis that occurs in the environment around us. This is evidenced by data obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics regarding the crime rate which is increasing every year. To be able to emphasize or reduce the crime rate in our environment, it is necessary to instill morals from an early age starting from Islamic Education in the Family. The formulations of the problems in this study are: 1) How is the concept of Islamic education in the family according to the perspective of Ahmad Tafsir? 2) How are the efforts of Islamic Education in the family in shaping the morals of the nation's generation according to the perspective of Ahmad Tafsir?This study uses qualitative approach with descriptive qualitative research.  Data collection techniques use literature review research. Source of the data obtained in this thought study is primary and secondary data. Data analysis uses taxonomic analysis. The results of this study indicate that: 1) Islamic education in the family is divided into three periods, namely the pre-conception period, the pre-natal period (when the child is in the womb) and the Post-Christmas period (when the child has been born to adolescence), 2) the efforts made in instilling Islamic education in the family is divided into three periods, namely the pre-conception period, the prenatal period and the post-natal period with different tools, materials and purposes.


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How to Cite

Musyayadah, E., Suwaibatul Aslamiyah, S., & Zahidi, S. (2022). PEMBENTUKAN AKHLAK GENERASI BANGSA MELALUI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DALAM KELUARGA MENURUT AHMAD TAFSIR. Sawabiq: Jurnal Keislaman, 1(2).