Character Building Di Abad 12 Masehi: Kajian Dan Analisis Pendidikan Akhlak dalam Kitab Ta’lim Muta’Alim


  • Binti Su’aidah Hanur Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Badrus Sholeh Purwoasri Kediri
  • Titik Widayati Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Badrus Sholeh Purwoasri Kediri



Education, Moral


In line with the vast development of science and technology, it is needed education development which in accordance with the need of current development by considering its positive and negative impacts. The process of education on the attitude or moral values got more attention in 12th century. He was Az-Zarnuji, the author of Ta’lim Muta’alim. This paper tries to dig Az-Zarnuji thought written on His Book mainly about moral education which well known by character building


Burhanul Islam Az-Zarnuji. 1981. Ta’lim Muta’alim Thoriqul Ta’lim. Beirut: Marwan Qobani.

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Muzzaki Akh. Kholilah..2017.Ilmu pendidikan islam . Surabaya: Kopertais IV press.

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Peraturan Menteri Agama Republik Indonesia nomor 16 tahun 2010 tentang pengelolaan pendidikan Agama pada sekolah.

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How to Cite

Hanur, B. S., & Widayati, T. (2019). Character Building Di Abad 12 Masehi: Kajian Dan Analisis Pendidikan Akhlak dalam Kitab Ta’lim Muta’Alim. JCE (Journal of Childhood Education), 2(2), 176–192.